Parrottheads and Margaritas

This weekend was the Parrothead festival. Key West was full of Jimmy Buffett fans with styrofoam parrotts on their heads. It’s a fun, yet civilized, party atmosphere. We spent a few minutes watching Mile Marker 22, a local “Buffett” sound-alike band,...

Sail Away Weddings on the Water Key West

Fantasy Fest ended with the big parade on Saturday night. We strolled Duval Street in the afternoon, checking out the costumes (or lack of…), then retreated to the quiet of our home for a nice dinner. Once again I can confirm that Fantasy Fest is the place to be...

Fantasy Fest and Weddings in Key West

The first parties began Tuesday night. We attended the Green Party at Finnegan’s Wake – the Irish pub here in town. It was mainly locals since the tourist don’t usually arrive until today or Friday. Lots of creative costumes. Then we headed over to...

Our Vacation From Key West

We returned 2 weeks ago from our annual September trip to Maryland and New Jersey to visit family. During that time, we took a 2 week vacation to Greece. What a blast! Our favorite place was the island of Santorini. Gary tooks lots of great photographs which we hope...

Key West Information

Before visiting Key West, you may want to find out more about the island. Here is a great link for “just the facts” (population, crime, politics, etc): CITY TOWN INFO

Mystical Sun over Key West

The Atlantic Ocean has seemed calmer than usual for our past couple of weddings at Smather’s beach. However, the sky has a bizarre “haze” thanks to the fires in Northern Florida and Georgia. At certain times, you can even smell them. The sun is...